About DBNG Lifestyle

Hey There! Welcome to Our World

We kicked off DBNG Lifestyle in January 2023. It's been a rollercoaster since then, balancing a regular 9-5 job and this dream of mine. DBNG isn't just a cool name; it's what I live by - Dream, Believe, Never Give Up, and always, always Gratitude. These aren't just fancy words; they've actually worked for me, big time.


It's simple. These values changed my life. I've seen the magic happen when you stick to them, especially gratitude – it's the real game-changer. So, I thought, why not spread the good stuff? That's how DBNG Lifestyle came to be.

It's Been Real

Starting this brand was like stepping into a whole new world. Figuring out business stuff, wrestling with techy things, keeping the budget tight – it's been quite the adventure. But you know what? I'm all in. No matter what happen, no sweat. I'm not backing down.

Join the Ride

DBNG Lifestyle is more than just selling products. It's about sharing a vibe, a way of life. If these values speak to you, come on board. Let's rock this journey together, one dream, one belief, one never-give-up moment at a time.

Join me in here:

  • tiktok.com/@dbnglifestyle
  • instagram.com/dbnglifestyle
  • facebook.com/dbnglifestyle